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Industry Retail

Simplify retail branch WAN Network

With BranchConnect, retail IT can deploy inexpensive, scalable network to all stores while meeting PCI 3.0 requirements.

BranchConnect offers fast provisioning of remote branches in minutes, with zero IT touch and cloud activation, giving you enterprise-grade WAN with dynamic multi-path steering and on-demand link remediation for performance and reliability. And our subscription based Network-as-a-Service eliminates upfront CAPEX costs.

Solutions for Branch Network

Deploy remote and pop-up sites in minutes

BranchConnect’s solution dramatically simplifies WAN for remote sites by moving the network to the cloud.

Architecture, engineering, and construction firms face the challenge of unreliable internet connectivity at remote sites and the complexity of management of disparate broadband, LTE, and private links. Traditional WAN technologies are poorly suited for such environments.


Flexible WAN solution for retail branch networks.

With BranchConnect solution, retail IT can deploy inexpensive, scalable network to all stores while meeting PCI 3.0 requirements.

Simplify WAN deployment with Cloud

    • Fast provisioning of remote branches in minutes with zero IT touch and cloud activation
    • Enterprise-grade WAN with dynamic multi-path steering and on-demand link remediation for performance and reliability
    • Automatic selection of cloud gateways for best direct path eliminates backhauling of WAN traffic for SaaS applications like and Oracle on-demand CRM
    • Subscription based Network-as-a-Service eliminates upfront CAPEX costs

Meet PCI 3.0 compliance with advanced security.

    • Stateful and context aware firewall (application, user, device) for advanced security
    • Automatic, single click Cloud VPN for branch-to-datacenter and direct branch-to-branch traffic. Monitor real-time status and health from the central cloud console

Centralized management, control and policy enforcement.

    • Enterprise wide monitoring and group policy setting for all sites, ISPs, applications and users
    • Smart QoS with application-aware classification for 2200+ apps for granular control based on custom business objectives
    • Business policies based on application priorities, usage, and security goals
    • Unified architecture to scale from one site to hundreds of remote offices, seamlessly. Full interoperability with other WAN vendors for remote branches of 3rd party partners


Cost-effective SD-WAN for remote sites and branch offices

BranchConnect solution simplifies WAN deployment for remote sites at a fraction of the cost of a traditional WAN.

Simplify WAN deployment with Cloud

  • Deploy new, temporary or pop-up branches in minutes with zero IT touch branch Edge with cloud activation and management

  • Automatic selection of cloud gateways for best direct path eliminates backhauling of WAN traffic for SaaS applications like Office365, Building Information Modeling and other cloud application.

  • Subscription based Network-as-a-Service eliminates upfront CAPEX costs

Aggregate broadband, LTE links for remote sites

    • Aggregate multiple inexpensive broadband links including LTE-4G/3G and leased lines into a virtual, high bandwidth WAN to support critical applications, design and media data files access and collaboration like voice/video and virtual desktops

    • Enterprise-grade WAN with dynamic multi-path steering and on-demand Link remediation for redundancy and performance protection

Centralized management, control and policy enforcement.

  • Automatic, single click site-to-site VPN for branch-to-headquarters and direct branch-to-branch traffic. Monitor real-time status and health from the cloud console

  • Easy Plug-and-Play device installation and teardown at remote construction sites based on the job requirement

Use Case

Deliver uncompromised Unified Communications experience

Do not allow the degradation in link quality impact the UC quality of experience. The ideal WAN solution for UC enables the enterprise to leverage Internet to increase the WAN bandwidth at a lower cost, while providing the high quality UC experience demanded by the users.

Above is an example of high definition video conference while the network is experiencing a 2% of packet loss. The left screen shows the poor video quality without BranchConnect. The artifact makes this this video conference unbearable.

The right screen shows the same video conference going through the BranchConnect SD-WAN solution. The on-demand link conditioning mitigates the impact of packet loss and ensures high video quality. This enables enterprises to leverage the Internet to roll out rich media UC applications which demand high bandwidth and reliable WAN.

Without BranchConnect @ 2% Packet Loss
2% Packet Loss with BranchConnect SD-WAN